Vintage Video

Mar­ble Col­le­giate Church, New York City
The Poet and Peas­ant Over­ture — Franz von Suppé

Krasinski’s musi­cian­ship and com­mand of the organ were matched by his intu­ition and keen sense of dra­matic sen­si­tiv­ity … Mr. Krasinski’s abil­ity to paint the story son­i­cally mer­ited a stand­ing ova­tion at the film’s con­clu­sion. All the while, he made it clear that it was the film, which mer­ited such praise, for with­out Wellman’s own skill, we would not have been graced by such a pair­ing of genius.”

Sean R. Glenn

Methuen Memo­r­ial Music Hall
“Can­dide Over­ture” — Leonard Bern­stein

Tran­scrip­tion by Peter Krasinski

Our Lady of the Angels, Los Ange­les
Impro­vi­sa­tion on Vic­ti­mae paschali

Charles Tourne­mire
Recon­structed by Mau­rice Duru­flé
Recorded in rehearsal, 2003

Silent Movie Accom­pa­ni­ment
Excerpts from “Hunch­back of Notre Dame” — Wal­lace Wors­ley

With Lon Chaney
Recorded live in per­for­mance
All Saints Epis­co­pal — Worces­ter, Mass.

Silent Movie Accom­pa­ni­ment
Excerpts from “Metrop­o­lis” 1927 — Fritz Lang
Recorded live in per­for­mance
Ober­lin Con­ser­va­tory — Ober­lin, Ohio

Silent Movie Accom­pa­ni­ment
Excerpts from “Phan­tom of the Opera” — Carl Laemmle

With Lon Chaney
Recorded live in per­for­mance
Our Lady of the Angels — Worces­ter, Mass.