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Peter Krasin­ski, an inter­na­tion­ally acclaimed silent film live accom­pa­nist, pre­sented a clas­sic organ reper­toire favorites pro­gram to demon­strate the majesty of this King of Instru­ments — August 12, 2018 — on the his­toric Hook organ at Mechan­ics Hall, Worces­ter, Massachusetts. 

PETER EDWIN KRASINSKI is broadly rec­og­nized as a moti­vat­ing con­sul­tant for the pipe organ com­mu­nity, and as a con­duc­tor, organ­ist and music edu­ca­tor, whose imag­i­na­tive and ener­getic per­for­mances ele­vate and inform audi­ences. Along with reg­u­lar con­cert appear­ances he spe­cial­izes in live impro­vised silent film accom­pa­ni­ment, world­wide. He has pre­miered the art in major venues in North Amer­ica, Europe and Asia. He is the recip­i­ent of a num­ber of prizes includ­ing the First Prize in Impro­vi­sa­tion from the Amer­i­can Guild of Organ­ists National Competition.

House Organ­ist of the Prov­i­dence Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter, Mr. Krasin­ski was past Dean of the Boston Chap­ter AGO. He is Organ­ist at First Church of Christ, Sci­en­tist in Prov­i­dence RI, accom­pa­nist at Beth El Tem­ple Cen­ter in Bel­mont, MA and recently pre­sented Mas­ter Classes at the Sibelius Acad­emy, Helsinki, Fin­land. He holds both a Bach­e­lor of Music Degree in Music Edu­ca­tion and Organ Per­for­mance, and the Mas­ter of Sacred Music Degree from Boston University.

…the audi­ence mem­bers were gen­uinely amazed at what you did. I’m cer­tainly one of those who is amazed – I don’t know how you do it, but you make a movie come alive … I have heard you do Phan­tom many times, and every per­for­mance is fresh and inter­est­ing.”

Max King

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