Peter Krasinski

PETER EDWIN KRASINSKI is a con­duc­tor, organ­ist, and music edu­ca­tor who con­sis­tently deliv­ers imag­i­na­tive per­for­mances that ele­vate and inform diverse audi­ences. He is well respected in both the sec­u­lar and sacred gen­res of his field and has taught the enchant­ment of music to both pub­lic and pri­vate insti­tu­tions in the greater Boston area. His Bach play­ing has been hailed in the press as “sub­limely spir­i­tual” and his impro­vi­sa­tions have been called “stun­ning” and “seam­less.”

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You’re the best!”

William Well­man Jr.
(son of the direc­tor)